Couples Therapy
There are very few people who don't dream of a partnership filled with love. We all want a partner who can see who we really are, even,sometimes, see wonderful things in us that we do not yet see for ourselves. We want to let down our guard and still be found lovable. When a relationship sours the pain can be unbearable. This is a time when we really need help to see if it can be fixed, if there is still love underneath the anger and betrayal, to look gently at our own contributions to the problem.
Couple's therapy is only for the brave, but the truth of the situation can help us face what needs to be done. When both people want to figure out the next step it is very important to find a skilled therapist because many factors come into play which can complicate even the brightest nd the best partners. A skilled therapist can hold the center, be on the side of both partners and on the side of the relationship itself. And a therapist can see where each partner's own family history is brought into the situation and how this history can blind them to seeing their part in the problem.
The sessions will probably feel like hard work, partners can often feel spent at the end. It is worth the effort for each person and the relationship.
- "The first time they met, time stopped and when it finally began again, they laughed with relief because it wasn't too late to have the whole rest of their lives together." - Brian Andreas
*Additional Credentials:
- Advaned training in the treatment of trauma
- Accredited Jin Shin Jyutsu Practioner, a Japanese form of energy work
Thanks to the artists at "Story People" for the art and stories on our website!
16607 Blanco Road, Suite 300, Bldg 3
San Antonio, TX 78232-1913