Focus Areas
Times of transition are rough because in them parts of our identity are challenged and we lose a sense of certainty about who we are. This is a good thing in the long run because who we are is much greater than who we see ourselves to be. But in the moment of transition we can feel afraid, ungrounded, and lost, maybe even not liking parts of ourselves that pop up. If we can stay present in those moments we will be rewarded with more freedom, space, and confidence.
Working on the trauma in our lives can look like therapy--sitting in the office, face the therapist, talking. But this work is different than psychotherapy. Traumatic past events are held in the body and the experience of them can hijack our ability to be present in the moment. It is best released by slowing down and attending to physical sensations with the guidance of a trained trauma therapist. It can sound scary, but the process is usally gentle and manageable.
- "Directing a chorus of ghosts and the most difficult thing is keeping them focused on the task at hand since most of them are hung up farther back in the past than you'd care to remember." - Brian Andreas
Energy Work
Our bodies may look solid, but inside us are systems flowing to and through all parts of our anatomy. When energy is flowing freely we have health and a sense of wellbeing, and when it is blocked phycial and emotional disorders will eventually follow. Blocks to our subtle energy systems can result in tension and anxiety, lack of confidence and joy, the loss of our access to feelings of love, confusion about how to proceed in our lives, and many other painful experiences. When energy flows freely we feel more whole, peaceful, and present, more ready and able to tackle our lives and have fun in the process. Energy work can help to restore the free-flow of energy to the body and be a support to our efforts in pyschotherapy.
Contact Us
16607 Blanco Road, Suite 300, Bldg 3
San Antonio, TX 78232